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A high-level training experience aimed at managing various aspects of disability and in particular the problems related to the various degrees of autism spectrum disorder. This is the path that the operators of the Disability Support Centers of the municipalities of Samou, Idhna and Yatta, in the West Bank, are engaged in starting from May 11, as part of the international cooperation project "Territori Uniti 2023".

A high-level training experience aimed at managing various aspects of disability and in particular the problems related to the various degrees of autism spectrum disorder has been successfully concluded. This path has involved, starting from May 11, the operators of the Disability Support Centers of the municipalities of Samou, Idhna and Yatta, in the West Bank, as part of the international cooperation project "Territori Uniti 2023".

The Project, funded by the Region of Sardinia and the Municipality of Quartu Sant'Elena for a total amount of over 60 thousand euros, had as an additional partner the Social Promotion Association SpazioAcca, responsible with the Director Daniele Altieri for the theoretical-practical training provided at the psycho-pedagogical center "La Casa dei Girasoli". In the first days of the training, with the help of the Center's staff and thanks to the joint linguistic mediation offered by the Department of Social Services and the Cultural Association "Amicizia Sardegna-Palestina", the main characteristics of the Socio-Educational Service for Young Adults (SEE) and that for the Developmental Age (SEEE) were presented, with frontal lessons and moments of theoretical-practical study that involved the operators in direct contact with the young patients. In particular, training sessions were provided on the praxico-motor theory, through the online seminar held by Professor Piero Crispiani (UNIMC) and with further subsequent in-depth sessions relating to the practice of Cognitive Motor Training (CMT), an application of the Crispiani Method that consists of a series of intensive processes of neurophysiological activation and dynamization of motor, perceptive, grapho-motor, mnemonic, linguistic and thought sequences, capable of stimulating the individual's cortical activity. The working group explored aspects relating to educational-habilitative treatments for minors, experimenting with music, painting and cooking workshops, workshops for physical education and school inclusion.

There was no shortage of extracurricular moments, with the participation of guests in moments of exchange and conviviality linked to the traditions and culture of Quartu: the evening organized at Sa Dom'e Farra was very much appreciated by the Palestinian delegation, with a lesson in Sardinian dance held by the Folk Su Idanu association. Another opportunity for exchange and knowledge was the event "Aperitivo in Rosa", at the former Convento dei Cappuccini, where it was possible to illustrate the purposes of the international cooperation project "Territori Uniti" to the public present.

The last three days of the course were dedicated to an intensive theoretical-practical seminar on the DAMA (Dyspraxic Adaptive Motor Autism) program held by Professor Piero Crispiani and Doctor Eleonora Palmieri. Finally, on Thursday 23 May a visit was held to the Department of Social and Generational Policies, for a meeting with social workers that included the illustration of the Italian legislation on services for disabled people; while on Friday 24 May the delegation visited the Aias Center in Viale Poetto, before the final farewell.


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