Next July 8th in Cagliari a meeting entitled "Synergies between European Cohesion Policies and Corporate Welfare: Strategies and Best Practices for an Inclusive Work Environment" organized by IERFOP with the contribution of the Sardinia Region.

On July 8, 2024, at the IERFOP headquarters in Via Platone 3 in Cagliari, an important workshop dedicated to integrated strategies for the inclusion of workers with disabilities will be held. The event, which will begin at 4:00 p.m., will see the participation of illustrious speakers and institutional representatives, as well as various organizations involved in the initiative, including Focus Europe.
The introduction will be given by Roberto Pili , President of IERFOP , followed by institutional greetings from Giuseppe Meloni , Vice President of the Council and Councillor for Programming and Budget of the Sardinia Region, Emanuele Cani , Councillor for Industry of the Sardinia Region, Sabrina Licheri , Senator, and Valter Piscedda , of the Budget and Programming Commission of the Sardinia Region.
Among the scheduled speakers, Teodoro Rodin , Deputy Vice President of IERFOP and National Councillor of ANMIC ; Cataldo Ibba , Vice President of IERFOP ; Bachisio Zolo , Director of IERFOP and the Blind Union of Europe ; Alessandro Spano , Administrator of Chain Factory ; Donatella Petretto , Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Cagliari ; Milena Zara of Confesercenti ; Alessandro Melillo of IERFOP and Erasmus Ambassador for Adult Education; Fabio Roccuzzo , Director of Focus Europe ; Mauro Piria , Specialist in Physiatry at MedNET ; Hubert Perfler , President of the Rittmeyer Rehabilitation Centre.
The event represents a unique opportunity to discuss and promote synergies between European cohesion policies and corporate welfare in Italy, focusing on how to create inclusive and sustainable work environments for workers with disabilities. Thanks to the contribution of the various organizations involved, the meeting will offer a complete and multidisciplinary overview of strategies and best practices to be adopted to improve inclusion in the world of work.
The complete program
