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Finding your way in the European planning system requires particular attention to EU legislative production, constant monitoring of funding opportunities and open contact with officials of the Community institutions. These activities are not always easy for local authorities and even less for individual citizens.


Personalized technical assistance is provided to support the development process of local authorities and to encourage dialogue with the institutions of the European Union.


There are three main problems that local authorities, universities and educational institutions face in order to actively participate and compete in Europe:



  • information on the activities of the European institutions, but also on outgoing calls and reference documents;


  • training for the acquisition of the necessary design skills;


  • operational type for the elaboration of a valid project proposal.


Focus Europe aims to facilitate dialogue between administrations and public bodies with the Community institutions in order to take advantage of all the development opportunities offered by Europe through planning, training and information activities.


The association also has the objective of facilitating the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the territories concerned on foreign markets by promoting internationalization processes, as well as feeding a cooperation network with the Community and third-country institutions.


Focus Europe also provides assistance for starting twinning with other communities in the European Union.


Personalized technical assistance is provided to support the development process of local authorities and to encourage dialogue with the institutions of the European Union.


Focus Europe provides local authorities with highly qualified assistance and advice on EU, national and regional projects and funding.


The activity covers the entire design phase: conception, writing, presentation and project management.


The proposals are elaborated on the basis of the characteristics of the territory and of the programmatic priorities of the applicant body with particular attention to aspects such as: transnationality, sustainability, compensation for critical aspects, the European dimension, the dissemination capacity, the economic impact on the territory or territories and the Community added value.


A desk-project operates in the Brussels office that analyzes and processes the data provided by the applicant body, identifying the financing lines that best meet the priorities of the territory and starts the search for partners for the creation of national and transnational partnerships envisaged by the EU calls.


The monitoring and evaluation of the desk-project concerns both lines of financing of the European Union: structural funds and directly managed funds.

The services offered by Focus Europe are designed for Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Unions of Municipalities, Mountain Communities, Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Educational Institutions






Support for territorial planning and project implementation within the structural funds of the new European programming


Promotion of European culture and citizenship:


  • European culture

  • study and work in Europe

  • environment and sustainable development

  • Europe at school

  • Europe day


The training courses may include an experience in Brussels with guided visits to the European institutions



Assistance in accessing directly managed European funds. Support and support in the conception and preparation phases of projects relating to Community policies


Support for the creation of a Europe and international relations office designed as an integral part of the administrative system and aimed at the best use of community resources and the growth of the local system through better knowledge and application of the European Union policies


Three different modules are provided to fully respond to the training needs of the staff of public bodies: from European legislation to access to the main sources of Community information, to the various aspects of European design


Focus Europe, accredited by the European Commission as a disseminator, supports institutions throughout the private process within the "Covenant of Mayors" providing the technical assistance necessary to achieve the objectives, promoting and enhancing European policies aimed at energy sustainability.

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