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17/24 February - 3 March 2022

Access through the Zoom platform



Italy has prepared the 235 billion euro National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which will have to be implemented through the operational participation of Ministries, Regions, Metropolitan Cities, Provinces, Municipalities, Local Health Authorities, public and private entities and of businesses.


The use of these resources will require a great commitment on the part of the Administrations, which will add up to the closure of the ongoing activities on the 2014 - 2020 Programming and the operational start of the new European Programming 2021 - 2027.


The objective is to provide a general framework of knowledge on the upcoming 2021-2027 programming, on the planning and management systems of the Next Generation EU with specific reference to the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). Issues related to the setting of the Missions, the various functions of the MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework), the financial allocation and the management of Tenders and Notices will be addressed. 

*Registration is unique and valid for all training sessions. You will receive the lesson access link within 24 hours of the start of the lesson. Please check your junk mail if you don't get a reply upon registration. 


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