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Quartu Sant'Elena


Hybrid Event, 7 May 2022, 10:30 - 12:30


Event organized in hybrid mode with 25 places available in attendance at theHall of Frescoes in the former Capuchin Convent in Via Brigata Sassari in Quartu Sant'Elenaand 100 connected through the Zoom Platform



The New CREATIVE EUROPE 2021-2027 Program in brief

Creative Europe  is the European program to support the cultural and creative sectors for the period 2021-2027.


The Program has a total financial envelope of 2.4 billion euros for the seven-year period and includes three lines:

i) MEDIA in support of the audiovisual industry.

ii) CULTURE in support of other creative and cultural sectors.

iii) CROSS-SECTORAL strand addressing the common challenges and opportunities of the cultural and creative sectors, including audiovisual.


Creative Europe encourages audiovisual professionals and cultural and creative operators to operate across Europe and reach new audiences and develop the skills needed in the digital age. By helping European cultural and audiovisual works reach an audience in other countries, the program helps to safeguard cultural and linguistic diversity.


The objectives

I) Support the creation of European works and help the cultural and creative sectors to seize the opportunities of the digital age and globalization in order to reach their economic potential, contributing to sustainable growth and employment and social cohesion;


II) Promote the competitiveness and innovation of the European audiovisual industry and help the European culture and media sectors to access new international opportunities, markets and audiences;


III) Promote innovative cross-sectoral actions and diverse, independent and pluralistic media.


Because it is essential to participate

In light of the new future challenges, it is essential that Focus Europe and its partners are ready and prepared to continue working together in the presentation of winning project proposals! The purpose of this Info-Day is precisely to provide Focus Europe members with accurate and timely information that allows the Municipalities and the cultural associations or organizations connected to them to be ready to participate in the periodic funding opportunities that the program offers.


Who can participate

Each member of Focus Europe can express up to a maximum of three names of its internal staff, whether they are internal officers, directors or collaborators. Each Focus Europe member can invite up to a maximum of 1 non-member municipality and 1 local cultural organization that will participate with prior authorization with 1 name indicated for each.

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