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Metropolitan City of Palermo

11 February 2022, 17:00 - 18:45


Access through the Zoom platform



The New CERV Program

The program aims to protect and promote the rights and values enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular by supporting civil society organizations active at local, regional, national and transnational levels. The new financing structure integrates the Europe for Citizens Program (2014-2020) within which Focus Europe has been the absolute protagonist on the Italian scene, directly involving over 60% of the its member Municipalities. 


Because it is essential to participate

In light of the new future challenges, it is essential that Focus Europe and its partners are ready and prepared to continue working together in the presentation of winning project proposals! The purpose of this Info-Day is precisely to provide Focus Europe members with punctual and timely information that allows Municipalities to be ready to participate in the periodic funding opportunities that the program offers.


Who can participate

Each member of Focus Europe can express up to a maximum of three names of its internal staff, whether they are internal officers, directors or collaborators. Each Focus Europe member can invite up to a maximum of 1 non-member municipality who will participate with prior authorization with 1 indicated name. 

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